
Meeting Mr.Richter Scale

Hey Y'all!

The Baja Life is still treating me well. One week until I make the trip home for Christmas and I have SO MUCH to accomplish before then! Tomorrow I am heading to the church in Colonet (2 hours south) for the monthly get together with all the other churches. On Sunday I teach a class for the Teen Girls and Babies. And next week I will be shopping for Christmas presents for all the kiddos in Colonet. I will also be having my last Bible Study and Cooking Class with the women at Colonia 89 before the New Year. After discussing some ideas with my mom, I think we will be making puppy chow and peppermint bark. Tough life, huh?

Last weekend I spent time with Murrieta Church of Christ. They came down for their annual Christmas bash with the Maneadero congregation. It was such a success! It was so well organized and the food was delicious. We had carne asada, beans, rice, and homemade Christmas cookies! The event was held at a park in Maneadero. It turned out to be so perfect and I believe they are planning on having it there next year! I am so glad I was able to help out with that. Afterwards, we headed to the church building to measure for the new kitchen they will be building. I played a game of basketball with some of the guys back at the church. After being held hostage in my house by bronchitis a few days prior, that was just what I needed :)!

So about this meeting with Mr.Richter Scale...On Wednesday, my friend Misha and I headed to Mexicali to hang out with my host sister who is in school there. She had already finished her finals and we were going to ride back with her the following day. So we left about 8:00 on Wednesday headed to Mexicali. 5 hours later we enter Mexicali. First of all, I was so excited to have the chance to see another part of Mexico!!!!! Deserts and Mountains galore! We ended up exploring Mexicali all afternoon and we went bowling that night haha. So I am peacefully laying in my bed that night staring at the wall and felt the ground shake a little. I really thought it was just my imagination, but then it really started shaking. I was smart and just continued to lay there...But seriously, I was scared out of my mind! I got up because I heard Misha and Liss talking about it. They kept making fun of me! How rude! So I got back in my bed and still felt it shaking. I was like, "Guys, I think it's still shaking." Baha no, it wasn't, it was just me shaking. Anyways, we ended up looking on a website that records earthquakes and it just so happened that Mexicali had already had about 10 that day. The one we felt measured at 3.9. I will be just fine never having to deal with Mr.Richter again.

Other news making headlines this week:
Trip to Velmar Hospital in town ends in Bronchitis diagnosis.

New Fish Taco Stand opens just minutes from City of Children. (It's pretty delicious.)

Teen Boys at City of Children announce what is topping their Christmas List this year: My sister, Meggie, and Pants, my dog. (I'm going to try my best to make this happen)

Tortilla Tally-132

"Modern man has lost the perspective of eternity. To distract himself from the gaping jaws of death, he engages in ceaseless activity and amusement. The practice of being still in My Presence is almost a lost art, yet it is this very stillness that enables you to experience My eternal Love. You need the certainty of My loving Presence in order to weather the storms of life. During times of severe testing, even the best theology can fail you if it isn't accompanied by experiential knowledge of Me. The ultimate protection against sinking during life's storms is devoting time to develop your friendship with Me."

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